Tuesday, 31 January 2012

my melt down and then my putting myself together

So with all the work I had been doing on myself and how I thought about myself I thought I was feeling a lot better about me and being me. But it all fell apart this weekend. So here is the story and how I got myself from that place to somewhere new and somewhere with learning.

The story:
I was getting dressed for a girly night out but I could not find an outft that I felt nice in. For me feeling nice in the outfit is the most important part. So I spent sometime going through my wardrobe and could not find anything. Then I thought that I could do my hair and makeup to make myself feel better. Well that didn't seem to work. I went back to look at the wardrobe and had a melt down. I then text my friend and she came over and supported my to chose an outfit. I retouched my makeup and looked hard in the mirror, looking at the parts of me that I liked, and the parts that I loved. I then did some visual work, changing what I pictured as heavy and ugh, to something light.

My learnings:
  • My friends are brilliant and a huge part of my life. They are part of my support network. They know me so well that they know exactly what to say to help cheer me up :) so thank you to my friends for being you.
  • Changing how you see things has a dramatic effect on how you feel. I changed something that I saw and felt as really heavy into something a lot lighter. I did this by changing it into a feather. This meant that it was very light and free to be all that it can be. This metaphor helped me look at myself in a lighter more free way.
  • That there is good days and some not so good days but it is about enjoying life to the fullest and being all that you can be. So the days that aren't so great look at why and look at changing them into a good day. I have done this by changing the makeup I wear, talking to my friends, thinking about a time that I felt really great and by remembering the good points about myself.

So I started this week from a mixed weekend; a bit good, a bit fun, a bit not so fun, a bit confused,
 just bits and pieces. The next blog will look at how this week I pieced myself back together.

Monday, 23 January 2012

A reflection of week 1

So week 1 is completed and I am strating week 2 of my living healthily plan. I just wanted to reflect on last week so that I can learn from it. So here goes....
  • I've really enjoyed the walking into work. It has meant that I am wide awake and feel really energised for the day.
  • My energy levels throughout the day have increased.
  • My creativity has leaped and bounded so that my head is full of ideas which I am loving.
  • I am sleeping better.
  • I feel better about myself.
So these are the really positive things that have come out of increasing my exericise and eating a little less.
The less positive things are:
  • I am tired in the evening, but I think that as my fitness level increases so will my energy in the evening.
  • I seem to get the munchies at 11 am so I am now taking a healthy snack with me.
Thats all I can think of at the moment. So my reflection is that the benefits out weigh any negatives. :)

So here begins week 2. It is already full of new exciting things, catch up with two old friends, seeing my sister and learning new things.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Keeping motivated

So it is day two of my  new job, and about a week into my keeping fit and healthy plan and I'm tired. So how do I keep motivated? This is the question I have been asking myself today. So the answers I have come up with are;
  • being fit and healthy is important to me so I just need to remind myself of this
  • having a routine to my exercise would be useful so that I get into a pattern and don't need to spend a lot of energy on the thinking of when and how. I have decided to walk to and from work. This will mean that exercise becomes a routine part of my day,
  • that I need many different forms of motivation, such as a pitcure in my head of what I am working towards, having some great music that helps me get in s great state.
These are the answers I came up with today. If anybody has any other ideas and inputs I would really appreciated it.

Saturday, 14 January 2012

My first run of 2012

I have just returned back to my flat after my first run/walk of the year. It feels really good now that I am sat on my sofa drinking water but the doing part wasn't so easy. So what kept me motivated to keep going;

  • I had a picture that I have created of me fitting into my size 12 jeans, with me beaming with happiness, surrounded by people that I love,
  • I made a motivation play list for me to listen when I was running,
  • I talked to myself, reminding myself why this was important to me,
  • Being out in the open, in the fresh air on a nice day.
I hope this gives you some ideas for yourself, to keep you motivated on your journey. Please share what keeps you motivated.

Friday, 13 January 2012

Being fit and healthy as part of my living life now plan

As part of my living life to the full now plan I am starting on a journey. A journey of being fit and healthy so that I can be all that I can be. This journey will include eating healthier, doing exercise, enjoying exercise, having fun and learning new things about myself. I have decided to write a blog about this journey for many reasons including;
motivation for myself,
motivation for others,
and to document this journey.

So here goes.... I am wishing myself strength and fun, and for other people who have decided to take their own journey I am wishing you all the resources you need to have fun on yours.

I would love this to be interactive so please post your comments, your learnings, things that have motivated you, things that you think will help others, pretty much anything!